About This PD Course

Learn about the role of the ATLs in the PYP classroom. With support, learners will make a plan to demonstrate new understandings and/or abilities.

Course curriculum

    1. Getting Started

    2. Finding Your Way

    3. What to Expect

    4. Confirming Learning

    5. Let's Go

    1. Introduction

    2. Welcome video

    3. Course Framework

    4. Learning Outcomes

    5. Learning Log

    6. How to download and save the MiniPD Learning Log

    1. Foundations of the Approaches to Learning (Why?)

    2. Explore: What is Global Competence?

    3. Explore: What are 21st Century Skills?

    4. Reflect 1: How might your students respond?

    5. Reflect 2: How do your students compare?

    1. The Approaches to Learning Explained (How?)

    2. Explore: What are the Approaches to Learning?

    3. Exploring the ATL Skill Clusters

    4. Exploring the ATL Categories

    5. Explore the ATL Skills, Clusters and Indicators

    6. Interacting with the ATL Categories, Clusters and Skill Indicators

    1. Taking Action with the Approaches to Learning (What?)

    2. Take Action

    3. Reflect & Confirm

    4. Test Your Knowledge

    1. Extend

    2. Continue learning with MiniPD

    3. Discus with colleagues

    4. Thank you!

Best Teaching Practices in International Schools

  • 32 lessons
  • Free for ManageBac schools
  • Asynchronous course
  • Receive a certificate of completion

Learning Objectives

What will you be able to do upon course completion?

  • Understand what the PYP ATL skills are.

  • Integrate the ATL skills into PYP planning.

  • Implement the ATL skills in PYP teaching

  • Reflect on the impact of the ATL skills on student learning.


Who is this course for?

  • Early Career Teachers

    Newly qualified teachers and early career teachers working in international schools.

  • Experienced Educators, Mentors and Coaches

    Experienced educators, as life-long learners, who want a refresher course to continue to make shifts in their practice.


  • Is this course free?

    Yes. This course is free for ManageBac schools. Please reach out to [email protected] if you would like to register your school staff in bulk.

  • Do I get a certificate by completing this course?

    Yes. Certification is awarded by ManageBac upon completion of the course.

  • What do I need to do to receive a certificate?

    You will receive a certification of completion after completing all modules, learning activities in practice, and checking for understanding final assessment.

  • Is there a specific schedule or timeline for completing the course, or can I learn at my own pace?

    You can complete the course asynchronously, at your own time and pace within 3 months time. After 3 months upon enrollment, access to the course will expire.

  • How can I reach out for technical support if I encounter issues with the online platform or course materials?

    You can reach out to the community team via the discussions spaces or you may email us at [email protected].

Got Questions?

Contact our Community Team at [email protected]