About This PD Course

In this 4-hour course, you will explore strategies to support your students to learn how to learn, so they can self-regulate to take control of their own learning and have a better understanding of how to succeed academically. 

Course curriculum

    1. Getting Started

    2. Finding Your Way

    3. What to Expect

    4. Assessing Learning

    5. Extend & Contextualize

    6. Let's Go!

    1. Meet Your Instructor: Dr. Richard M. Cash

    2. Course Goals

    3. Course Flow

    4. Guiding Questions

    5. Tools

    6. Course Timings: Planning Your Time

    7. Your Learning Log

    8. Key Research References

    1. Introduction to Self-Regulation for Learning

    2. Why learning about self-regulation is important for learning

    3. The Affect Dimension

    4. A deeper dive into the Affect Domaine

    5. The Behavioral Dimension

    6. A deeper dive into the Behavioral Domaine

    7. The Cognitive Dimension

    8. A deeper dive into the Cognitive Domaine

    9. The Four Stages of Self-Regulation

    10. Learning Log: Reflect & Apply

    1. Compass Points Thinking Routine

    1. Module Overview: Strategies for SRL

    2. Finding and Celebrating Success

    3. Every Child as a Individual

    4. Space They Can Own

    5. Building a Classroom Community

    6. Grade Should Communicate Levels of Learning

    7. Routinely Reflect on Learning

    8. Learning Log: Reflect & Apply

    9. Discuss: Online Interaction

    1. An Overview of the Phases of Learning

    2. Take Action: The Phases of Learning

    3. Learning Log: Reflect & Apply

Self-Regulation in the Classroom: Helping Students Take Control of Their Learning

  • 67 lessons
  • Free for ManageBac schools
  • Asynchronous course
  • Receive a certificate of completion

Learning Objectives

What will you be able to do upon course completion?

  • Identify the main components and purpose of self-regulation for learning, along with the key traits of self-regulated learners.

  • Apply evidence-based age-appropriate strategies for self-regulated learning, tailored to a multilingual classroom for students to use in the four principal areas of confidence-building, planning, monitoring, and evaluation.

  • Demonstrate effective use of self-regulation and learning strategies in practice with your students, such as how to effectively help students engage in learning, build confidence, set and manage goals, and reflect on their learning.


Who is this course for?

  • Early Career Teachers

    Newly qualified teachers and early career teachers working in international schools.

  • Experienced Educators, Mentors and Coaches

    Experienced educators, as life-long learners, who want a refresher course to continue to make shifts in their practice.

Meet the Course Designer

Dr. Richard Cash

An award-winning author and educator with 25 years’ experience, Dr. Richard Cash is an internationally renowned education consultant whose work has taken him to over a dozen countries. With a doctorate in educational leadership, a master’s degree in curriculum and instruction and a bachelor’s degree in theatre, Richard has worked extensively with gifted children, for which he was recognised by the National Association for Gifted Children’s Early Leader Award in 2011. Also specialising in areas including education programming, curriculum design and programme administration, Richard has authored several children’s plays along with books including Differentiation for Gifted Learners: Going Beyond the Basics (2014), for which he won The Legacy Book® Award for Outstanding Educators Publication.


  • Is this course free?

    Yes. This course is free for ManageBac schools. Please reach out to [email protected] if you would like to register your school staff in bulk.

  • Do I get a certificate by completing this course?

    Yes. Certification is awarded by ManageBac upon completion of the course.

  • What do I need to do to receive a certificate?

    You will receive a certification of completion after completing all modules, learning activities in practice, and checking for understanding final assessment.

  • Is there a specific schedule or timeline for completing the course, or can I learn at my own pace?

    You can complete the course asynchronously, at your own time and pace within 3 months time. After 3 months upon enrollment, access to the course will expire.

  • How can I reach out for technical support if I encounter issues with the online platform or course materials?

    You can reach out to the community team via the discussions spaces or you may email us at [email protected].

Got Questions?

Contact our Community Team at [email protected]

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